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Mahler 2 at the Phil

Crosby Symphony Orchestra
Rehearsal Schedule

The Orchestra rehearses on most Fridays between the beginning of September and mid June. Rehearsals are normally held at St Michael’s Church Hall, Blundellsands, located at the corner of St Michael’s Road and Dowhills Road (Postcode L23 8SP). Click here for a map. Rehearsals usually start at 1945; we ask people to arrive by 1930 to allow time to set up and make a prompt start at 1945.

The current rehearsal schedule is as follows:

When Who What Conductor
31/01/25 Full orchestra TBA Juan Ortuño
07/02/25 Strings only TBA Juan Ortuño
14/02/25 Strings, Woodwind & Horns Nielsen; Enigma (T,2,3,5,6,8,10,12,13); Romance Juan Ortuño
21/02/25 Full orchestra Enigma; Gade; Nielsen (Movements etc. TBA) Julius Mauldin
28/02/25 Full orchestra Nielsen I, III, IV; Enigma (1,3,4,5,7,9,11,13,F); Gade Juan Ortuño
07/03/25 Strings, Woodwind & Horns Nielsen I, II, IV; Enigma (T,2,3,5,6,8,10,12,13); Romance Juan Ortuño
14/03/25 Strings, Woodwind & Horns Nielsen I, III, IV; Gade; Romance Juan Ortuño
21/03/25 Full orchestra Gade; Enigma (1,3,4,5,7,9,11,13,F); Nielsen I, IV, II; Romance Juan Ortuño
28/03/25 Full orchestra Enigma; Nielsen Juan Ortuño
30/03/25 Everyone Concert day
Details TBA
Schedule hereafter tba

Sunday 30th March 2025 at
7.30 pm in
St. Faith's

Gade: In the Highlands
Nielsen: Symphony No. 2 (The Four Temperaments)
Elgar: Romance for Bassoon
Elgar: Enigma Variations